Meet the Founders

Former Law Enforcement Professionals, Consultants, Educators, Speakers & Mentors.

About Us

I am so excited to welcome you to our world
& share about how this journey all started

At Burke Consulting Group LLC, we have extensive law enforcement experience. What sets us apart? Our unwavering dedication to authenticity, trust, and building genuine relationships with clients. From navigating workplace safety regulations to fostering inclusivity, we are here to empower your organization's success. Trust in us, and let's navigate success together towards a safer, more inclusive future.

We offer tailored solutions and expert guidance to empower organizations in navigating workplace safety regulations, fostering inclusivity, and championing diversity. Trust us to navigate success together towards a safer, more inclusive future for your business.

Meet the Founders

Kevin and I value authenticity, trust, and building genuine relationships. We believe every organization can create positive change and inclusivity. We work to make this a reality, one client at a time.

Our journey into the world of public safety began over 28 years ago, with a deep-seated commitment to making a difference. Starting as a patrol officer in the Los Angeles Police Department and working a variety of assignments, .our experiences laid the foundation for Burke Consulting Group LLC, a platform dedicated to empowering organizations to thrive in today's ever-evolving safety landscape.

My superpower lies in my ability to inspire positive change and foster a culture of inclusivity and empowerment within organizations. I bring a unique blend of expertise, empathy, and leadership to every situation, empowering others to overcome challenges and achieve their goals.





Community Impact: We spearheaded the "One Tent at a Time" homeless initiative, which successfully reduced the number of unhoused individuals in the community. We take a strategic approach and compassionate leadership not only addressed quality-of-life issues but also demonstrate our dedication to making a tangible difference in people's lives.


Groundbreaking Training Programs: We revolutionized the landscape of security training by developing and implementing cutting-edge programs that not only enhance safety protocols but also empower individuals at all levels of organizations to become proactive agents of change. Through dynamic and engaging speaking engagements, we ignite a passion for public safety, inspiring audiences to embrace leadership opportunities and champion a culture of security and inclusivity.


National Recognition: Our expertise and leadership have been recognized on a national level. We serve as leadership development instructors traveling nationwide to address community trust and wellness among law enforcement officers. Our contributions to this critical area of public safety underscore her influence and impact beyond local borders.


Continuing to

I love to build & grow a community around us alongside the community we get to protect and serve.


Extensive Expertise: With over 28 years of law enforcement experience, we bring a wealth of knowledge and real-world insights to the table. From tactical operations to community engagement strategies, her expertise spans a wide range of critical areas.

  1. Proven Track Record: We have a track record of delivering results and driving positive change. Her significant achievements, such as implementing crime reduction strategies and developing community-building initiatives, demonstrate her ability to make a meaningful impact.

  2. Passion for Inclusivity: We are committed to promoting diversity and inclusivity through our work. We go beyond traditional approaches, actively collaborating with stakeholders to create safe and supportive environments for all.

  3. Effective Leadership: As recognized leaders in law enforcement, We excel in leadership and collaboration. We are known for her ability to inspire and motivate teams, fostering a culture of teamwork, camaraderie, and excellence.

  4. Personalized Approach: We understand that every organization is unique. We take a personalized approach to her consulting services, tailoring solutions to meet the specific needs and goals of each client.

  5. Effective Communication: We are skilled at conveying complex concepts in a clear and understandable manner. Whether it is delivering presentations, training sessions, or strategic plans, we ensure that everyone is on the same page.

  6. Fluent Spanish Speaker: Alma is a fluent Spanish allows her to effectively communicate with diverse audiences and communities, opening up opportunities for deeper engagement and collaboration.

Whether you're looking to enhance workplace safety, promote inclusivity, or drive positive change in public safety, I'm here to support you every step of the way. Together, we can navigate success and create a brighter future for your organization.

Let’s Connect